On December 9, 2015, Benjamin Franklin Lodge № 83 installed its new officers for the 2016 Masonic year. MWPGM Dan Slavik acted as Installing Master and W. Bro J. Patrick Storrs was Installing Marshall. The installation was held in conjunction with our annual holiday party where Brothers and their significant others came together to celebrate not only the upcoming holidays, but also brotherhood in The Craft itself.
Installed were (from left):
W. Bro. Travis West, Trustee
Bro. James Anderson, Secretary
Trustee II
Bro. Richard Drerup, JuniorWarden
Bro. Dave Baux, Junior Deacon
W. Bro Adam Witt, Worshipful Master
W. Bro Erik Nielsen, Immediate Past Master
MWPGM Dan Slavik, Installing Master
Bro. Glen Witt, Tiler
W. Bro Pat Storrs, Installing Marshall
Bro. Jeff Ethlington, Inner Guard & Almoner